Thursday, April 23, 2009

Alive in this Moment

Gotta love Starfield =)
I'm feeeeeling the Holy Spirit BURNING in me =)
I really can't wait til YC 2009.
I missed YC 2007 too much.
I'm really looking forward to YC next month,
it's going to get me so pumped for Jesus.
I remember just entering that building for the first time
and coming across... many many Christians.
You can feel the love.
I gotta recharge my batteries, i feel so worn out.

God is so amazing.
How can something so wonderful... love me?
I'm so happy to know this.
Everything about this belief, this knowing brings me to to my feet
in joy and excitement.
The only thing in the world that can bring a real smile on my face
has only got to be Jesus Christ and everything that comes with it.
Hallelujah <3

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Peace of Mind

You are, You are,
The light of all the heaven
I want to hold the hand that holds the world

I find comfort in the Lord.
I pray to find guidance and to find peace in my heart.
This week has been hectic and I'm starting to find myself
to become more and more annoyed at everything.
I need to calm down and take it easy
but then I can't take anything easy or too lightly.
I'm responsible for everything I do.
I just want this month to be over.

Quote of the day:
"There is no art to find the mind's construction in the face."