Sunday, July 10, 2011

What the... Sumo wrestler?

So..... I'm looking at the new blogger...
I really don't know if I like it or not.
Maybe it's because I usually just prefer old formats... but I probably just need to get use to it.
Tomorrow is another day of the day camp.
I'm so tired...
Sitting has never felt better, and I really enjoy the little moments where I get to spend some time to myself.
Here are a few things that I really need to keep in mind:
I must keep God first. As busy as I feel, and as tired as I feel.. I need to stop making excuses for putting Him aside. If I want to level up, I gotta go for it, chase after it and do something about it.
I need to stop making excuses about which kids I'm going to give up communicating with. To be very honest, I don't have favourites. I just have ones that I prefer over others. This past week has made me realize just how much I like spending time with these kids and listening to what they like and what kind of things they enjoy doing. It makes me miss being a kid............. even though I was a very shy kid, those years were fun.
I should sleep earlier and stop going out so late... Even though it's summer and everything, I need the rest to keep up with the rest of them litto kiddens.

That is all for today. Tomorrow is the start of the second week.

I'm exhausted already.


Jenny said...

haha..I'm so proud of you...sumo wrestler!! thanks for going all out for the team!!!