Saturday, August 01, 2009


Ever have your mind mess with what you want? It's either my heart or my mind that's just playing with me. It likes to turn a 180 on me and leave me exactly where I started. I can't think things through nor can I feel my way out. I'm confused as to where I truly want to be. It feels like something is clawing at my heart, aching to get my attention but I just can't seem to tune in. I can't seem to put myself into a state of serenity and calm every inch of me just to think. I feel so agitated and irritated that I just want to punch a wall!!! I'm sure I could make a hole in it, but it would be more harm than good. After all, I'd have to tell my parents about a hole in the wall, and I know they would not be happy with me. And just for that reason, I will resist all temptations of punching a wall. Maybe if I a nice big punching bag that I could whack, oh so nice. I should take up kick boxing O_O (laughs) However, a facebook quiz told me that as a pokemon I would be Machamp, wahaha, I'm so macho, that makes me feel great =)

Hopefully sooner or later... hopefully sooner...... I'll eventually dig my way out of this one. There's always light at the end of a tunnel, and I guess until I've come to a full out conclusion of my feelings and where I want to be, I'll be stuck, in a hole, perhaps in a tunnel with no idea where this is leading me.


Geo said...

"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left". - Isaiah 30:21

The pastor told us this at summer camp this year. That whichever direction we choose to turn, GOD WILL USE IT FOR GOOD AND NOT FOR EVIL.

We may feel lost where we are, but God is with us the whole way through AND He knows where we are going and He blesses us in it! And my favorite verse ever:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths!" - Proverbs 3:5-6.

But if you're going to be Machamp... you better start working on those biceps of yours. =P