Thursday, September 06, 2007

ah, yes.. ib

IB... what to say...
i'm already stressed...
i don't have that much hw...
actually.. it's quite a lot... compared to junior high
i just want to finish it early and not have to do it...
i have horrible time management.
I'm getting through.
I don't even know where this stress is coming from...
It's crazy.
Crazy IB.

I do not like french.
Everyone in class looks like they understand everything
that the teacher says...
I'm sitting there not understanding anything..
Ahhh.. the people around me are probably thinking i am realllly stupid.
That's okay.. i'm probably just language retarded or something haha.
i really hope school gets better...

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

First day...

Dang.. good thing no other grades were there today
it would have been intimidating.
Yes.. it was a very long day... for a short day....
I thought that it would be very hard to start school
without a lot of my close friends there...
but it wasn't like that.
It was just like any other day at school except with new people.
I had friends there.. maybe that's why.
In grade 9 at the beginning of the year, i had this flame that wanted
me to do really really well in school.
That worked out... til after half the year had past. And then i just
procrastinated... and depended on more and more people to help me
study for tests and do homework.
Now grade 10.. i have this flaming fire of... i dunno hahaha
i really want to do well in ib now that i'm in it....
i've decided that if i'm really going to drop ib.. it should be at the end of the year.
I want to work hard... yet i have a fear of working hard... i don't have any idea why... but i do..
Yes..... the people at Diefenbaker seem nice...
and they all.. have confidence in making friends and such so easily
and.. i don't hahaha...
i've never had confidence in that area...
oh well...
it'll all be good..