Saturday, January 30, 2010

Beauty and the Beast

Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast

That was a beautiful movie. I always find that I am constantly reminding myself that the outside is just a shell. It's the inside that really matters. It is something that is very hard to achieve. Everyone is always judging, and critically analyzing each other. Finding myself that way is very disappointing to say the least. I don't want to shallowly look at people, i really want to see something deeper in everyone because those are the things that really matter.
So maybe when you do find that Beast, he doesn't always turn into a handsome prince, but if you do find him, when a person looks past a shell they see something very beautiful. Even as I say this, I do doubt myself if I can do that, I'll be honest. Whatever is to be set in my future, it's in God's hands. And i'll leave those things to Him.

This reminds me of a rock I got in elementary school that I keep by my bed. It's my little smack in the face. A guest brought in this big ugly white rock to our classroom, and he asked for someone to come and break it open. Obviously, breaking something, WITH PERMISSION, is something very rare, and so I put up my hand. I don't think it was a coincidence that I got chosen to do that... now that I think about it. When I broke it open, inside was a beautiful mineral... it was somewhat like clear blue crystals. Luckily for me, I got to keep it. This is just one of God's little touches to tell me something and I'm grateful.

I haven't been able to sleep well lately. I keep getting bad dreams. That just goes to show that I still have many unsolved problems. I wonder when this will end. LaLaLa?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pray, Heaven's Waiting Now

And Jesus is just a breath away

I want to pray for so many people, and for so many things.
I pray for the people who are going through hardships in their lives... when they've met a wall so high that they no longer know how to get around or over it. I pray for God's grace to fall on them, give them a sense of family, hold them in Your arms and guide them in the direction You want them to walk. Lord God, my heart breaks for her.

I pray for the sick and the hurt. May it be physically or emotionally, I pray for healing because God, You're the only one who can do it.

I pray for guidance and pointers. I didn't realize how much I was relying completely on myself to get through everything... when... You were the one who was there pushing me along and picking me up when I fell. For that, I feel ashamed and sincerely sorry for being selfish and being so self centered. I can't find the answers to anything, and I feel like there is no longer a road I can see to take.

Last part of English... TODAY!! I feel very nervous... I hope and pray I'll do well.
Praise the Lord.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sleepless nights

I am extremely tired. Actually, I've been tired since I got up. And here I am... not willing to sleep, not willing to do anything. There are too many things on my mind. Now now, don't get me wrong. I really like sleeping... but right now... I just don't want to sleep. I feel like there are too many things that need to be done, but I just don't want to do any of it. Why? Great question, I wish I knew the answer. You know what? I wish i knew the the answers to my physics exam, and my social exam and my english exam. How wonderful that would be.

I went to tutorials this morning for social and i realized that my paper that I wrote, was a big pile of poo. Just this one ginormous, big, nasty pile of poo. And as of right now... just thinking about it makes me die a little inside. I died a little writing it, now I just died more thinking about it. The sad thing is, the only possible cure of not thinking about it is playing video games. RIGHT SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF EXAMS.

Another thing. I should not be allowed to drive. Everytime I drive something goes wrong. Why me? Come on, I really like driving, so why??? GAH.

Maybe I should sleep... my head hurts... ahh..... I don't want to think anymore.. just let everything shut down.. AHAEROVU OATVK 09T4IKOAG KOV o;


Saturday, January 16, 2010

From One World to Another

My friends always bring up such interesting topics. I have a friend who didn't like to read books because when they finished the book, it felt like they were leaving that world. I never thought about books... or even movies in that way. Now that I think about it, when I'm reading a book, I am immersed into that world. With Harry Potter, it was amazing to read about sorcery or like... Hogwarts... and being in a magical world. Even with the book Night. That world... was indeed a very dark one... but it gave me insight. Then, I came across another very interesting thing while on Soompi in the current events section. The perfection of Avatar has caused people depression in the way that they could never live in that kind of a beautiful world. I read an article on that, and how people ended up contemplating suicide because they would wake up to the dull Earth.

I was going to write more.. but my brain has died, and I can't think. Good night.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

If walls could talk

IF PETER CHAO CAN JUMP OFF A DRESSER, SO CAN I. Unfortunately, I do not have a dresser...

Although I am currently stressing over my social paper tomorrow... and also stressing over my English paper that I wrote today.. I AM STILL SOMEHOW NOT GETTING TO WORK. WHY?? Arrggh... I shake my mighty fist at the lovely dovey romance dramas that I keep watching.. and rewatching... and I just can't seem to stop. -Sigh-

I had an intense discussion with Tammy about having a real man as a boyfriend. So very hard to find these days. (haha) jk, but we did bring it up. I am too unsatisfied with too many things. AND SO... i should just be satisfied with everything. A solution to everything.

I am contemplating whether or not to study social or not. Even though the answer is quite obvious, I can't seem to push myself anymore then this. AHHHHHHHHHHH. KAy... if i don't study.. i'm just gonna go and punch myself in the face. That will not only hurt my face, but it will also cause slight damage to my hand as well. OKAY TIME TO FOCUS. NO MORE BLOGGING.

Monday, January 11, 2010

He's Dedicated to Roses

What a wonderful manga that stole all my time as I was suppose to do homework. I ended up staying up til 2 am in the morning... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Kay... now i shall re-read that manga. It made my heart skip a beat. Always a good thing =)

Well... Physics homework here I come. Lalala, and I am now going to stay up late once again.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

WHY IS IT 2010???

So... We were all gathered together at my friend's house for a new years eve celebration and for the countdown... and... there was a specific conversation that was brought up which made me terribly sad and depressed. 2009, 2008, 2007.. (so on and so on) WILL NEVER EVER COME BACK. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....

The truth, and the realization hurts me. I have yet to do so many things, and I have not done anything... really. (Insert a very sad face)

And you know what else? 2010 means that I am getting closer to my birthday. And my birthday means I will turn 18. I DON'T WANT TO BE LEGAL AND HAVE PEOPLE BE ABLE TO SUE ME AND ARREST ME. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... that sucks. Well... as much as I am being paranoid about 2010, I had a really excellent new years day with my buddies. Oh they make me happy. And school in 2 days. I really didn't want to mention that, but by doing that I realize that I still have homework to do, and much studying to do. Hurray. And good job Dana for procrastinating this long. You really fail.