Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hai derr

4 down!!!!!!!
One more to go =)
I feel as though exams have been never ending.
I just want this to be over T_T
Then.. I can finally go shopping!!!!!
I don't remember the last time I've been shopping so.... ya, I really need to get out there.

After running around the field, playing some basketball and stuff, I feel pretty good.
Exercise deemed helpful on Easter Sunday !!
I'm just happy I got to spend some time with some good friends, hanging out, DOING SOMETHING, and having a good time.
Usually with some of my other friends, for most of the time we're hanging out, it's mostly just sitting around trying to figure out what to do >_>. In most cases we end up not doing anything...
Anyways, nonetheless I still love doing nothing with them.
Do do doooo..
Time to crack down on my Stats !!!!!
... Should be a ball.