Thursday, October 27, 2011


I don't like where the story of Naruto is headed. It's getting pretty dark and I don't like that. And tell me why its the old people that die in such a sad way.... it makes me very sad inside. Dead people coming back alive is not fun times.
I couldn't continue reading D. Grayman because it creeps me out, Death Note was on the verge of doing too and I would really like to stop pick up dark and creepy edged manga to read.
However, I did start reading One Piece and it's actually super good! I recommend it that people start reading if you haven't already... I'm hundreds of chapters away from catching up but that just means I have less cliff hangers to go through.

And noooow... It's time to ramble about school.
I just had my OPMA midterm... and despite everyone telling me it's an easy class... anything that involves memorizing business terms deters me from doing any studying.... and there I was... in my exam without a clue of any of the answers =(
Studying at school helped a lot than studying at home. I have come to the conclusion that studying with people helps me do what I need to. Studying by myself is a big no no. I'm glad I found this out before I'm kicked out of school.
Anyways, that is all.