Monday, March 29, 2010

I Think I'm Going Crazy

I. Seriously. Can't. Drive.

I find that for some reason. The more I drive, the more I fear for the next time I drive. Today was a terrific example of as to why the world would be a much more peaceful place without me driving. I should just hire a personal chauffeur. Like seriously. Right now, as I sit here, I honestly think that I will receive a ticket in the mail. And like always, I can't stop thinking about it. I thought that driving yesterday was actually pretty good, and I felt better about everything. AND THEN I JUST HAD TO GET LOST AND FEEL SO FLUSTERED TO THE POINT WHERE I NO LONGER KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING ON THE ROAD. AND WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MR. POLICEMAN WHY???????????? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HONK AT ME??? I TRIED TO GIVE YOU ENOUGH ROOM, REALLY, AND HONESTLY, I DID!!!!!!!!! T_T

I still haven't gone up to Nosehill by myself yet. I don't think that's going to happen anymore.


Geo said...

What? We went through this already, Dana!

You are a GREAT driver! You PROVED it. You just need to believe.

The getting lost part happens. You just need to not get flustered over it.

Do NOT stress over things that you can not control. I can tell you now. Emergency workers... tend not to be the most patient of drivers... especially when heading to an emergency. Don't take it the wrong way. I've gotten in the way of an ambulance before by accident, it happens.

You and I are going to have find another time for you to chauffeur me around again. Because you CAN. Because I believe in you and I felt SAFE with you driving. YOU SHOULD BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AS WELL!

World said...

need a friend to go go up nosehill with?