Friday, May 21, 2010

Long Weekend

It's long weekend and I'm suppose to be feeling happy... BUT I'm not. I have too much to do and too much to think about even though I'm not suppose to. Scholarship essays =( Study for calculus and physics =( Building schedule for Uni (I know it's suppose to be exciting and all but I'm really not in the mood to feel it so...) =(

Things to look forward to this weekend?
That deserves a smile.



Vash said...

but you are not in IB!?!?!??!?!?!?! or are you?? don't get stoned and hammered.

looking forward to grad?

someone plans to make it memorable..maybe =)

Geo said...

Just think about how lucky you are though...
To build your Uni schedule... you get to do it online in a very simplified format!

Compare that to what I had to do... I had to build my first year U schedule on the phone. Do you know how stressful and difficult it is to set up a schedule on the phone? One course at a time, each taking upwards of 10-15 minutes to complete. XP