Saturday, June 11, 2011

Forget you

Dear BSEN, it's your turn.
I dislike you.
You make me feel very not good.

It's a funny thing with prayer. You never know how strong prayer is until you see the results. I've been doing more praying than usual, it's something I would very much like to keep up. It's become so important in my life, something I turn to when things get stressful and there's no one there at the time. God is limitless. There aren't any boundaries, no time limits to God.
These days, it just reminds me of how God became my everything.
There was a time when I thought to myself that there's no one else that I could trust other than myself. To be honest, it still happens once in a while, but with a little tweak. I know I can rely on God. When the rest of the world feels far away, even though it's right there, God is closer.
There's been a lot of prayer for my family. Especially for my family. The ones I come home to everyday. There's been a lot of prayer for my friends, for DVBS, for Summer camp. There's also been endless hours of prayer for myself, for direction. I really want it to show up soon. It's starting to eat me away inside a little. And... I've really been praying for that extra bit of strength... to just keep going.

So... even though it's super cheesy... Victory really does start with prayer... It's been doing a lot for me.

BSEN. I just want to pass you. So I'll study. Just for you. Feel special lah!
Alright, textbook, back to you I go.